This module can be used to display the stream. The list of available subpicture filters can be found on the streaming features page. sends and receives RTCP packets on the same port numbers as RTP packets. Notice that if you want to launch VLC without any graphical interface, replace “vlc” with “cvlc” in all the commands. This option allows rendering subtitles directly on the video, while transcoding it. Here is the meaning of the dst option depending on the parameter used for the access option: Use this option if you want VLC to send SAP (Session Announcement Protocol) announces. 2. 3.1.3. Use this option to set the location where the audio elementary streams should be saved, sent, or made available. The argument is the X coordinate of the first column to be cropped. Use this option to specify the name of the stream that will be sent in SAP and SLP announcements. Podcast 302: Programming in PowerPoint can teach you a few things. This option allows the destination UDP address to be given. It is an alternative to SAP for session announcement. ... VLC command line issue. VLC needs to be configured to lisiten for incoming streams on a specific port. This is a compulsory option. As a consequence, streaming of a real-time transcoded stream can lead to dropped frames or a jerky image and sound in some cases, when running out of resources. Installed nightly VLC 3.0 (the Renderer couldn't detect the device but command line version is working like a charm) – bakytn Oct 7 '16 at 14:56 I have a stream open, and I am trying to restream it through chromecast. Reducing the sample rate is a way to lower the bitrate of the resulting audio stream. About the URL of the RTSP, please see the explanation as follows. Some additional processing can be done during this process, such as re-scaling, deinterlacing, resampling, etc. This option uses a private extension of the SAP protocol. Stream in multicast the video and dump the audio in a file: Note: You can also combine the es module with the other modules to set-up even more complex solution. This option allows you to give the height of the transcoded video, in pixels. This option allows to set the number of channels of the resulting audio stream. Click Media—Open Network Stream. With previous command, VLC must generate stream for everybody who connects. This option allows to specify subtitle format the subtitles tracks of the input stream should be converted to. Any of the stream output module described earlier can be used as parameter of this option. in Uncategorized Stream output is the name of the feature of VLC media player that allows to output any stream read by VLC to a file or as a network stream instead of displaying it. This option allows to set the encapsulation method used to send the stream. Use this option to set the medium used to save or send the video elementary streams. Here is the list of the modules currently available : Each of these modules may take options. Receive an HTTP/FTP/MMS stream Use one of the following command lines : % vlc -vvv http://example/ 4.4.1. Other streams will be streamed using even ports directly above this one. This allows to set the converter to use to encode the subtitle stream. This option allows to crop the lower part of the source video. 4. The combination of :sout-keep and dst=gather:std mean that the stream is kept open and subsequent items are played through the same stream. Design by Made By Argon. To fully understand the complex syntax of VLC's stream output, please look at the examples in the next section. This module can be used to duplicate the stream, and so process it through several different chains. This option allows you to specify the codec the audio tracks of the input stream should be transcoded to. This option allows to set the bitrate of the transcoded audio stream, in kbit/s. This page was last edited on 19 August 2020, at 00:07. You can also use this to get more exhaustive list: vlc -H If you look for help, on a particular module, you can also use vlc -p module --advanced --help-verbose --help-verbose explains things. This selects the transport protocol to carry RTP packets. This option allows to set the UDP port used to send the first elementary stream. Instead of clicking Play, expand the drop down to choose Stream. Running the command vlc --help will create a .TXT file containing all the command-line options. This option has to be set. This port has to be even. This option allows to give the address of a website with additional information about the stream. The available options are : This option can only be used if the sap or slp option has been enabled. Transcode the input stream, display the transcoded stream and send it to a multicast IP address with the associated SAP announce and an unicast IP address: Display the input stream, transcode it and send it to two unicast IP addresses: Send the input stream to a multicast IP address and the transcoded stream to another multicast IP address with the associated SAP announces: Take a SDI input, and transcode it twice, once in HD, and one in SD and send both on udp. However, some complex operations can only be done from the command line and there are situations in which you don't need or want a GUI. Download and install VLC. Use one of the following command lines: % vlc -vvv http://example/ No audio from streaming MP4 video using VLC over http. The command line interface: Next: 4.2. Click Play button, then the video will display. No surprises here, the basic syntax for reading a file is If you list more than one file, VLC will read them sequentially as a playlist. Here is the syntax that you must use : For example, to transcode a stream and send it, use : In the following documentation, single bullet points represent options and double bullet points represent item options (sub-options) : This module saves the stream to a file or sends it over a network, after having muxed it. This option allows to enable deinterlacing of interlaced video streams before encoding. You can use this option to introduce a delay in the display of the stream. Today, we are going to see how we may use VLC and its network options to Do not confuse this option with senc/scodec that transcode the subtitles and stream them. Possible values and item options are the same than for the access option of the standard module (see above). Stream in multicast the video and dump the audio in a file: Use this option if you want the SAP announces to be sent using the IPv6 protocol instead of IPv4. where ftp://example/ is the FTP address of the stream; % vlc -vvv mms:// Live Webcam Streaming using VLC on the Command Line The following are notes on using VLC as both server and server to stream a webcam from a ender across a LAN to multiple receivers. Schedule your stream recording with the "at" command. Use this option to set the medium used to save or send the audio elementary streams. You can use this option to disable audio in the displayed stream. 1080x720 to 720x480), convert video using the Theora codec with bitrate @ 2000 kb/s and audio using the Vorbis codec with bitrate @ 128 kb/s, encapsulate the video and audio to an Ogg container and save it to output_file.ogg. Stream output includes different modules, each of them having different capabilities. This option allows the give the ratio from which the video should be rescaled while being transcoded. Although use of RTSP is possible using this module, it won't allow you to make Video On Demand. VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license. Use this option if you want to send such announcements. Stream Output. This option allows to give a contact e-mail address. Opening a file Start VLC with : ... To receive an unicast UDP stream (sent by VLS or VLC's stream output), start VLC with : % vlc -vvv udp:[@:server_port] Ajustez run-time à la durée en secondes pendant … This options uses UDP-Lite instead of UDP as the transport protocol for RTP and RTCP packets. See mux options of the standard module for a description of the available method. GUI. For criteria that need a parameter, such as es and program, you can also specify a range, using the syntax criteria=num_start-num_end. Step by Step Instructions. Please have a look at the description of the VLM module for that. You can chain modules to enhance the possibilities. This option enables RTP/RTCP multiplexing (see draft-ietf-avt-rtp-and-rtcp-mux), i.e. Now that we have a command line that records a stream and stops after a given duration, we can schedule our first recording. will adjust input_file gamma to 1.5, resize the video size (resolution) by 0.67 (e.g. Separate audio and video in two PS files: Extract the audio track of the input stream to a TS file: Stream in unicast the audio track on a port and the video track on another port (NOTE: This will not only work with VLC 0.8.6 or older - FIXME? The exact meaning of this option depends on the value of the access-video option and is the same as for the url option of the standard module (see above). The basic transcoding is an mp3 stream from the file you select (if it is a video file, then the video is ignored). This option allows to crop the left part of the source video while transcoding. 1. Open up VLC, say on your Android device, and open the menu, and choose Stream. This port has to be even. If you don't understand their description, this certainly means that you don't need them. But if there are more of them, link will be excessively loaded. Available options are: This option allows to set the framerate of the transcoded video, in frames per second; reducing the framerate of a video can help decrease its bitrate. The Item options of this modules can be found using the following command line : This option allows to set the number of computer processing threads that should be used to encode the streams. Here is the complete description of VLC's command line and how to use it. Depending on the bitrate of the original stream and of the options chosen, transcoding can be a very CPU-intensive task. This option can be particularly useful to help reduce the bitrate of a stream. VLC is one of the most loved media players out there. This duplicate chain will only output the non video elementary streams belonging to the programs which PID are between 100 and 200. Options are : This option can be used to set the TTL (Time to Live) of the sent UDP packets. Input RTSP URL in Network Tab. This module can be used to send a stream using the RTP (Real Time Protocol) protocol (see RFC 3550). This option can be used to give an additional description of the stream. I'm trying to create an overlay of two security camera views onto one video stream, and streaming it out as RTSP protocol. no encapsulation is done. Available options are : This option allows to set the sample rate of the transcoded audio stream, in Hz. This option allows to give various information about the location where the stream should actually be saved or sent. This option allows to give the chain through which the duplicated stream should be processed. Opening streams The following commands start VLC and add the first element to the playlist . Free, open source and compatible with almost every operating system, it can do almost everything that one expects it to do and sometimes even more. Now, if we had access to a GUI, it is very simple to set up a stream without loop: Open the VLC media player; Add the mp3 file to the playlist VLC will be the only client able to read this field. It is streamed via http to localhost:8080/stream.mp3. This allows to set the encoder to use to encode the videos stream. The es module can be used to separate the different elementary streams from a stream, and save each of them in a different file or send it to a separate destination. This option allows to set the UDP port used to send the first audio elementary stream. The avi muxer in VLC is known to produce corrupt files. The option allows you to define things like full screen, the modules to load, and basically anything you normally access from the menus in the graphical interface. There are two IP camera streams on input, and only one video stream combining both views in overlay - as output. A VLC used as a client will use this field to classify the stream. This option can be used instead of both dst-video and dst-audio options, when they share the same setting. Windows Media Player can connect to this by using the following url: mms://server_ip_address:8080. This option has to be given, unless the sdp=rtsp://option is given (see below). This option can only be used if the sap option has been enabled. This option allows to set the way the SDP (Session Description Protocol) file corresponding the the stream should be made available. This option allows to specify the name of an optional group of streams. Click here to go to VLC Homepage. However, there is something that makes VLC even more special on Linux-the command line. The most I get is a black screen with the correct time of the video. Delay has to be given in ms (milliseconds). This option allows to specify the codec the video tracks of the input stream should be transcoded to. Available options are : Use the append option to append the stream to an existing file instead of replacing it : This option allows you to set the encapsulation method used for the resulting stream. SAP is a service discovery protocol, that uses a special multicast address to send a list of available streams on a server. vlc on command line. This option allows you to give the width of the transcoded video, in pixels. This is particularly useful in a duplicate chain, in order to monitor a stream while it is being saved or streamed. On desktops, it's Media and Open Network Stream.... Then, just enter the address of your stream. List of available codecs can be found on the streaming features page. Here are a few additional global options : The stream output also offers a simplified syntax, with which you can only you use the standard module's main options : where access, mux and url are as defined in the options of the standard module. The command line interface: Next: 4.4. Only ts is possible for RTP streams. Different kind of processing can be applied to the stream during this process (transcoding, re-scaling, filters, re-muxing…). 1. This port has to be even. This option allows to render some images generated by a so-called subpicture filter (e.g. You can use this module to transcode a stream, e.g., to change its codecs or the encoding bitrates. It is no problem when you have connected up to 3-4 users. % vlc -vvv input_stream --sout '#es{access=rtp,mux=ts,url_audio=, url_video=}' on the client side: to receive the audio: % vlc udp://@:1212. to receive the video: % vlc udp://@:1213. where http://example/ is the HTTP address of the stream; % vlc -vvv ftp://example/ Send a stream to a multicast IP address and a unicast IP address: Display the stream and send it to two unicast IP addresses: Send parts of a multiple program input stream: This command sends the program of the input stream which id is 12345 to and all video programs with id between 1234 and 2345 to Stream the mp3 file; Has to be done via command line; mp3 file should play as a loop; Procedure. You'll need to include http at the beginning, so it'll need to look like: By default, each elementary stream is sent as a separate RTP medium, i.e. TODO: completely outdated All standard operations of VLC should be available from the GUI. You need to be quite comfortable with command line usage to use this. It focusses only on internal LAN streaming, using RTSP, UDP and RTP as the streaming solutions, and working via the command line in Linux. 1. vlc streaming not working on ubuntu. Use this option to set the encapsulation method used for the audio elementary streams. This option allows to crop the right part of the source video. This option allows to set the bitrate of the transcoded video stream, in kbit/s. I have been successful getting vlc to start streaming an RTP on linux using the following command: vlc -vvv filename.mp4 --sout '#rtp{mux=ts,dst=,sdp=sap,name="TestStream"}' Using this verbatim on Windows did not work. The exact meaning of this option depends on the value of the access-audio option and is the same as for the url option of the standard module (see above). The argument is the number of lines the video should be cropped. The only subtitle encoder we have at this time is dvbsub. SLP stands for Service Location Protocol. 4.2.1. Uses video filter during transcode process. This page is part of official VLC media player, Advanced Streaming Using the Command Line, VLM - Multiple Streaming and Video on Demand, Stream from Encoding Cards and Other Capture Devices, I used the following command: From the command line it looks like the stream is working, but when I try to play the stream in VLC using: udp://@ or udp://@:9001 it doesn't play. This page was last edited on 14 March 2019, at 04:04. Take a SDI input, and restreaming it once in raw and transcoding it for the second. 2. For example, if you want to stream an audio CD in Ogg/Vorbis over HTTP: VLC media player can connect to this by using the following url: mmsh://server_ip_address:8080. This option allows to crop the upper part of the source video while transcoding. Possible values and item options are the same as for the access option of the standard module (see above). Posted on 24/01/2021 . Option parameters (parameter-option1 in the example) are always optional. Use this option to set the encapsulation method used for the video elementary streams. This can be the address of a host or a multicast group. These option parameters are also often very advanced settings. In this case you should use multicast, when one stream is generated for an arbitrary number of listeners. vlc -vvv multiple_program_input_stream --sout'#duplicate {dst=rtp {mux=ts,dst=},select="program=12345",dst=rtp {mux=ts,dst=},select="video,program=1234-2345"}' This command sends the program of the input stream which id is 12345 to and all video programs with id between 1234 and … Use this option to set the location where the video elementary streams should be saved, sent, or made available. Several criteria can be given, by separating each of them with a comma. The argument is the Y coordinate of the first line to be cropped. Some icons are licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0+. By using the4 GUI media->stream I was able to manually start the stream. on top of the video. 3. Possible values and item options are the same than for the mux option of the standard module (see above). vlc stream command line example . Examples for advanced use of VLC's stream output (transcoding, multiple streaming, etc...). To do so, use the "at" command, which schedules commands to be executed once in the future at a specified time. This module saves the stream to a file or sends it over a network, after having muxedit. Transcode a stream to Ogg Vorbis with 2 channels at 128kbps and 44100Hz and save it as foobar.ogg: Transcode the input stream and send it to a multicast IP address with the associated SAP announce: Display the input stream, transcode it and send it to a multicast IP address with the associated SAP announce: Transcode the input stream, display the transcoded stream and send it to a multicast IP address with the associated SAP announce: To receive the input stream that is being multicasted above on a client: Stream a SDI card to H.264 and AAC in TS on UDP. Description of the stream output VLC's stream output allows VLC to be used as a streaming server instead of a client ! Let’s start with the basics. ):[Please check this]. It focusses only on internal LAN streaming, using RTSP, UDP and RTP as the streaming solutions, and working via the command line in Linux @ streaming client side vlc rtp://@:5004 # rtp stream from any source in 5004 port vlc udp:// # udp stream from in port 500 If all is well, VLC should show a timer in the bottom left corner indicating it is streaming the video. a logo, a text string, etc.) To create overlay effect and to stream video out, I use VLC player v3.0.6 on Windows 10. Increasing this number to the amount of processors on the computer (or twice this number on Intel P4 HT processors) should improve transcoding performance. I am trying to stream a test file to my pc using Gstreamer. Ligne de commande n°4 : Capturez une vidéo avec une ligne de commande VLC en définissant une durée d'enregistrement cvlc -vvv rtp://address:port --start-time=00 --run-time=300 --sout file/ts:test.ts. Taking a UDP input and resending it once raw via IPv6 multicast, and once in HLS, This page is part of official VLC media player, MMS / MMSH streaming to Windows Media Player, Advanced Streaming Using the Command Line, VLM - Multiple Streaming and Video on Demand, Stream from Encoding Cards and Other Capture Devices, Some of the module options (option1 in the example) have to be set, others are optional. Possible values and item options are the same as for the mux option of the standard module (see above). The argument is the number of columns the video should be cropped. It has very extended capabilities : stream in unicast and multicast on an IPv4 or IPv6 network everything that VLC is able to read, via UDP, RTP or HTTP ; This option can be used to set the name that will be displayed on the client receiving the stream. This allows to set the encoder to use to encode the audio stream. This option allows to set the UDP port used to send the first video elementary stream. Uncategorized. This option can only be enabled with the udp output method. You can use this option to disable video in the displayed stream. This option can be used instead of both mux-video and mux-audio options, when they share the same setting. Click on the text input box labeled Please Enter a Network URL; Type in udp://@:5000 ; Click Play; The above assumes that VLC on your computer is listening on an incoming port 5000 for UDP streams. This options can be used to duplicate only a part elementary streams of a complete stream. This option can be used instead of both access-video and access-audio options, when they share the same setting.