The weaponry of a Battlesuit trooper is diverse, allowing him to engage a wide spectrum of enemies, from heavily armoured Adeptus Astartes to the main battle tanks of the Imperial Guard. Improved Rail Gun technology has allowed Tau Pathfinders the use of Rail Rifles that are used as sniper weapons. Most Fire Warriors' only other weapon besides their Pulse Rifle is a Bonding Knife. Warhammer 40K Tau 15 Einheiten. Racial progression saw these earth-dwellers build walled cities on the ground, while their racial cousins built fortresses and cities on high-altitude mesas and plateaus. Amidst the war and destruction of the grim far future, the fledgling Tau Empire has but one aim - to unite the galaxy under its benevolent banner. The single-shot Photon Grenade Launcher fires a standard-issue Photon Grenade over a short distance. Originally, while naive, the Tau hardly had any Crapsacky elements to them and were a rather out-of-character attempt to inject some optimism into the relentlessly Grim Dark 40K universe. A squad of Fire Warriors can wreck a Dreadnought in one turn of combat, losing only three or four members, and things like Killa Kans, Tomb Stalkers or Sentinels would go down even easier. The purpose of this device remans unknown to the Imperium, although since it is commonly issued to Tau unit leaders it is believed to be some form of sensor or tracking technology. It's accepted by the Fire Caste, as it strengthens the Warriors' morale greatly under fire. This helps blunt trauma effects from high-velocity impacts. Like the Pulse Rifle, the Pulse Carbine generates an electromagnetic induction field which is used to propel subatomic particles through the weapon's barrel. Its still useful, minus the fact that you have to get into 12" to use it, and they can only be used by 3 Infantry in your army (Breachers, who are Fire Warriors with crappier leadership, Pathfinders, nuff said, and Fire Warriors, now called a Strike Team.) Shas'el are the field commanders of Tau units in combat, and direct the battle at a tactical as well as strategic level, making them equivalent to Imperial Guard colonels or regimental commanders. Additionally, Pulse Rifles maintain their stats for the most part, minus the AP. The Fire Warrior's one-piece coveralls are fabriacted from a composite nanocular thread, which has a microscopic, super-dense mass of fibres that help prevent projectile punctures and slashing penetrations, while still remaining felxible for easy movement. The construction techniques are unknown to the Adeptus Mechanicus as they are forbidden from investigating dangerous alien technology by the Ordo Xenos of the Inquisition. Fire Warriors are warriors from birth. 3,95 € * 5 In stock. The Kauyon is the more methodical, patient method of neutralizing the enemies of the Tau Empire. This includes the iconic asymmetrical pauldron designed to face towards any enemy that would be firing at the Warrior as he takes aim. Warhammer 40k Bitz: Tau - Fire Warriors Strike/Breacher Team - DS8 Turret E4 - Smart Missile System. See, WS2 actually doesn't matter much against the common WS3 or 4 (they'll still need a 4+ to hit; the only difference is that enemies only need a 3+ to hit them), and they have average Strength (3) for basic infantry along with a solid 4+ Armor Save. Fire Warriors aren't stubborn and losing combat by even a small margin puts them at serious risk of being wiped out by sweeping advances. You can unsubscribe at any time. The Fire Warrior (Shas'la) is the Tau Empire's basic infantry unit. Fire Warriors believe hand-to-hand fighting to be barbaric, and leave this role of battle to the Kroot mercenaries, who are far more able than the Tau in the chaos that is melee combat. Strike Teams are tough buggers, and as a result tend to fare better in ranged combat than Pathfinders, if only because of their superior armor save (4+ instead of a 5+) and access to the MV36 shield drones, which grant 6+ invuln saves, which means you possibly can save a few guys in a squad if a thunderfire opens up on them. The Hammerhead Gunship's main turret weapon is a Rail Gun, while Tau starships are equipped with extremely powerful Rail Cannons that can punch through conventional Ceramite armour like toilet tissue. Keep in mind that this is still better than the Bolter, and can even glance a few wounds on a tank if you shoot it enough. Fire warriors may also equip themselves with a smaller Pulse Carbine, a weapon that, despite its less-efficient practical combat range compared to the Rifle, has a slower, but more stable firing rate. More. [4c] They are soldiers outfitted with a wide variety of advanced technology. These are believed to be used for visual communication or as a back-up to radio wave communications for marking a Tau unit's location. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Each Fire Warrior is armed with the Pulse Rifle and a ceremonial Tau Bonding Knife. :-))))) Wir sind ein rauchfreier Haushalt. In reality, they are just fine at shooting (they have slightly better eyesight than humans but slightly poorer reflexes that make hitting moving targets harder as well as actually being physically inferior to humans in general, hilariously propagandalicious), though they really do fold up like paper in close combat. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, … Cover Description. Shas'o serve as the highest ranking military officers in the Tau Empire. Jet technology is used extensively by the Tau Empire and this is reflected in the vehicles available to the warriors of the Fire Caste. Not intended for actual use in combat, this ceremonial knife is a symbol that the warrior and his unit have performed the Ta'lissera ritual and that all the members of the unit are bonded together as one. Das Spiel kam erstmals im Oktober 2003 auf den Markt. The T'au will soon learn there is a darker foe at hand and become entangled in a frightening story that leads them through an ongoing war. A Fire Caste warrior starts his military career as a Shas'saal, roughly equivalent to a cadet in Imperial military terms. As well as the knife itself, the Fire Warriors of a bonded unit often stencil the symbol of the Bonding Knife on their armour. Plus, with photon grenades, charging enemies will have to take an Initiative test or go Blind, reducing their WS to 1 and turning the 3+/4+ thing the other way around the first turn. The material the fatigues are fabricated from is also chemically treated to retard flames and the effects of most toxic gases and chemicals. The Fire Warriors Strike Team and Fire Warriors Breacher Team kits are the best way to create a unique army. Shas'O are discouraged from using static defense or bloody assaults. It also has a nice suite of targeters, aim assist, and such things. They are proven Battlesuit pilots and are loyal to their Shas'el. 10 Tau Feuerkrieger Fire Warrior warhammer 40k GW. The elongated and thickened left shoulder plate acts as an additional protective shield, especially when the Fire Warrior is kneeling with the weapon at his shoulder, covering that side of the warrior's body with extra armour. Tau Fire Warrior Shas'ui Ta'she, leader of a Fire Warrior Team; he was equipped for a night raid on an Imperial Navy airfield during the Taros Campaign; he did not survive. They can be issued in a variety of colours or camoufalge patterns. Warhammer 40,000 - Tau Empire Fire Warriors 56-06 Der Weg nach vorn wird nicht nur vom Licht des Höheren Wohls erleuchtet, sondern auch vom Glühen von Pulsgewehren. Shas'O who bitterly hold onto a position are frowned upon, and are considered to lack imagination by their peers. The Tau strategy of the Mont'Ka depends on aggressive troop movement and direct attacks on key tactical targets and is the more aggressive of the two Tau strategies. A unit is used as bait to lure the enemy into a well-prepared kill zone. Fire Warrior follows one day in the tumultuous life of a young T'au warrior who must battle alone against a force that shows no mercy: The Imperium. hier könnt ihr ein original verpackten "Warhammer 40k Tau Feuerkrieger Team/ Fire Warrior Team" erwerben. Mathammer-wise they trade evenly in a firefight with an equal points worth of tactical Marines when unsupported. They are well-equipped,and their absolute belief in the Greater Good and their fanatical trust in the Ethereal Caste makes them deeply determined soldiers, grim in defence and aggressive on the attack. These can be armed and thrown by hand or loaded into the Pulse Rifle or Pulse Carbine's Grenade Launcher. Moreover, you want to die in a single round against an enemy charge for the greater good. And hey, if they do break and flee, and they don't get run down by a Sweeping Advance (unlikely, unless they are fighting other low-inititive enemies, terminators, or slow and purposeful), you can just blast the shit out of the enemy squad next turn with all your other shootiness and save the survivors. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In addition to these, the player is armed with grenades and a sword, and can use weapons such as the Rail Rifle (the most powerful gun in the game)… Fire Caste members are slightly shorter then the average human, standing roughy 5'5" - 5'7". The markings on the helmet pictured here are rank insignia, indicating that this Fire Warrior is of the rank of Shas'ui, broadly equivalent to that of a platoon Sergeant in the Imperial Guard. The Tau, for the uninformed, are a relatively young species introduced to the setting in 2001, with a highly Animesque design. These weapons emit a brief but powerful electromagnetic pulse that overloads electronic circuitry, causing melt-downs and malfunctions. They did not have the membranous wings of what would become the Air Caste, who were employed during the pre-Tau Empire period as messengers (very much like their contemporary forebears). When a Tau child is born in the Fire Caste, that child will either die in training or just somewhere at sometime in gruesome battle, unless they are so lucky/skilled that they end up becoming a Shas'o and retire after many years of warfare and command, and at which point most people would prefer to die anyway. The Tau may be a relatively new race in the Games Workshop/Warhammer 40K universe, but they're already the stars of their own computer game, Kuju's futuristic shooter Fire Warrior. Holding up for one turn only allows the enemy to break you in your own melee phase, thus letting them charge again in theirs. Stay in cover, keep your head down, choose your firefights well, get support, and never assume you can hold for a round in combat. Wenn ihr wollt, kann ich euch das für 4,10€ zusenden. Unfortunately, it's basically a steel sheet versus Bolt shells, molecular shuriken... etc. 09.01.2021. It does not suffer from a tendency to overheat like Imperial plasma weapons,and so can be fired without endangering the user. The last one allows your little blue sergeant not only to spot targets for other units, but also to man (Tau?) Fire Warriors are efficient, professional soldiers. Enter your email to get the very latest - news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Games Workshop. Many Tau Fire Warriors are also issued with Electromagentic Pulse (EMP) Grenades. Ist er erfolgreich, wird er im Rang aufsteigen. In addition to this the Pulse Carbine has an under slung grenade launcher, that fires photon grenades to disorientate enemies. Rail Gun technology is also extensively used by the military forces of the Tau Empire. Shipping time: 7 - 30 workdays. With proper support, things within that ever-nifty 30" of your Fire Warriors are gonna die and die fast. It is believed that the helmet also includes some form of digital visual relay uplink so that Tau commanders can see what each of their warriors is experiencing, but this remains uncomfirmed. They can be considered to be equivalent to Lord Generals in the Imperial Guard and entire Fire Warrior Hunter Cadres are theirs to command. This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 12:31. This would render it resistant to autoguns, immune to stubbers, and pretty good against lasguns. It is thought that the distinctive domed Tau combat helmet includes many different tactical systems. In attack, Shas'O attempt to draw the enemy from their defenses, and then destroy components of the enemy one by one. They also come with the option of taking a DS8 turret with either a Smart Missile System or Missile Pods. Fire Warriors are bred to be naturally more ferocious and aggressive than other Caste members. For protection, the Fire Warrior is equipped with a set of Combat Armour, which is made of a combination of nano-mesh and other technobabble. The standard-issue webbing belt contains pouches for extra power cells and a container for Photon Grenades. Armed with the mighty pulse rifle, a set of Combat Armour and a fuckload of other gadgets to help them survive the galaxy better than most other factions' unfortunate grunts, these Tau go out to claim territory and bring the galaxy into the fold of the Empire, and, like certain other armies, the Tau Empire has a whole fuckload of them. Tau technology is among the most advanced of any starfaring species in the galaxy, behind that utilised by the Eldar and the Necrons. The particles react to the field by breaking down into a highly-energetic plasma state, referred to as a pulse. Schaut bei meinen anderen Angeboten rein. Basic Fire Warrior armour includes shoulder plates, thigh guards, chest guard, a helmet, and vambraces. Fire Warrior ist ein First-Person-Shooter aus dem Warhammer 40.000-Universum. A Fire Warrior is a member of the Tau Fire Caste and thus serves as the primary soldier and the core combatant of the Tau Empire's multispecies armed forces. Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior focused on a young Tau Fire Warrior named Kais. However their depth-perception is comparatively poorer than those humans, as is their reflexes, causing them to be comparatively poor melee fighters. Fire Warriors also have the ability to call indirect missile fire from projectile platforms in the form of Sky Ray and Hammerhead Gunships, to handle enemy armour. Their main firearm is the Pulse Rifle, although they do sometimes use Pulse Carbines. Fire Warrior commanders (Shas'O) are schooled in two military doctrines; Kau'yon, or Way of the Patient Hunter, or Mont'ka, the Killing Blow. Fire Warriors are the mainstay of the Tau military, and are respected as the backbone of the entire Tau Empire. Add to basket Warhammer 40k Bitz: Tau - Fire Warriors Strike/Breacher Team - DS8 Turret F - Missile Pod. Before the assault even starts, though, you can potentially get a ton of supporting fire that guarantees at least a few enemies won't make it to base-to-base contact due to a massive multiple-squad Overwatch. They are more heavily muscled, stouter, and broader than their racial brethren.