Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Supercell ID – We all know supercell is giving more and more conveniences to their players but is it really worth? Issues with your account? This is great for all of you who haven’t backed up your game to GameCenter or Google Play, as now you can transfer your village. I recently got a new account off of a friend who no longer plays the game, but since I was going to give this account to another friend for her birthday, I had it under a supercell ID with an email that has a different password from that of my other accounts. When i try to log on with my supercell account on clash of clans it says a confirmation code has … Choose the Helsinki, Finland option. My brother only plays CoC while i play CR. Clan Wars; Looking For Clanmates; I Need A Clan! Your Supercell ID works for all Supercell games including Clash Royale, Boom Beach, Hay Day, and Brawl Stars. That’s really odd, I’m not sure exactly what the problem could be. Subscribe to us on YouTube:, i want a supercell id plz give me th12 in free ded or max, Its connect but in town hall 1 is not coming otp, My accound townhall ten supercell id sign in after coming in townhall one. For super cell I’d? Note: Supercell ID isn’t available in Clash Royale currently. You can also choose to save your account on your device, and you won't have to enter verification codes anymore. How the hell I create a new acc? Make sure to use a real email, as you’ll have to use it to sign in when you transfer devices. Content Creation. Clash of Clans. Supercell ID is a free backup system offered on all Supercell games: Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, Boom Beach and Hay Day.It allows you to secure your account and find it on all your mobile devices, whether on Android or iOS.. Supercell ID is the replacement for GameCenter and Google Play, so that you can easily switch between and save your villages for Clash of Clans. I can still switch accounts much faster through google play with the need to type CONFIRM every time than through Super Cell ID (ending Super Cell Id session, and choosing to login again with Super Cell id, choosing the account, etc. Clash of Clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As we're planning to get another tablet, we thought of creating 2 Supercell ID for each games so we don't need to … Condition: New. Easily Switch Between Multiple Supercell ID Accounts. Search up VyprVPN in the App Store or Google Play store, download it, and pull it up on your device. Why i can’t get verification code sent by supercell? Bonjour tout le monde, Ce matin j'ai connecté mon compte coc avec le compte supercell ID j'ai bien reçu le mail sur ma boîte e-mail mais quand je met le mot de passe que supercell m'ont envoyé, ça me met comme quoi le mot de passe a expiré. C'est la nouvelle méthode de sauvegarde et de récupération d'un compte Clash of clans (et tout autres jeux SC). Nouvelles fonctionnalités : Écrasez des villages entiers avec le lance-bûches, un tout nouvel engin de siège. Town Hall 12. Clash of Clans Suporte Conta Conta Compras Funcionamento do jogo Comentários e solução de problemas Jogo limpo e seguro Recupere a sua conta Recuperando o seu Supercell ID. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Here are some of the things that are rumoured to be part of the next update of Clash of Clans (COC): Supercell ID information say it's going to be easier to switch accounts with it, but in practice that's not the case. I cannot make my supercell I’d for my one account because verification code don’t come please solve my issue. J’ai sécurisé mon compte avec supercell ID pour pouvoir le récupérer plus tard. I play with out super cell I’d. Although multiple Supercell IDs are required to have additional accounts for the same game, it’s possible to use a single Supercell ID for multiple Supercell games. Boom Beach: Preguntas frecuentes sobre Supercell ID; Clash of Clans: Preguntas frecuentes sobre Supercell ID; Hay Day: Preguntas frecuentes sobre Supercell ID; For Parents ¿Eres padre o madre y necesitas más información? I have a shared family iPad which is connected to a single Apple Gamecenter ID for both Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. You need to create a new account for every village that you want to back up. As I said above, you can only get Supercell ID if you are located in Finland. Please tell me the solution, I lost my th 9 and th10 base becauae i connected to supercell id and i don’t what i do now. Supercell ID log in: To log in to supercell ID all you need to do is go to settings panel of Clash of clans >> Put your email which was verified and created account with Supercell ID, tap to the checkbox Remember me on this device then tap to LOG IN >> A verification massege will be sent to your email to confirm your id, check your email inbox and note the 6 digit code and past it one the log in page, tap to SUBMIT >> and all you have done tap the button last time CONFIRM. Press the Settings icon. Confirm the email and head back onto the app. They need that for clash royale too!!!!! Here is the main explanation thread about SuperCell ID. You will be faced with a map of the world. Adding to your cart. Supercell ID has just been released in beta for Finland for Clash of Clans! If it is, you might be able to recover it yourself. Alors, pour te répondre, j’ai demandé à Supercell un changement d’adresse mail, et je suis encore en attente de réponse. In order to transfer accounts, you are going to want to click log out and then use the email you linked to your other account. Here’s everything you need to know about Supercell ID, including how you can get it now! For example, if you'd like four Clash of Clans Villages on your device, just create four Supercell ID accounts. Bonjour j’ai quelques soucis avec mon supercell ID. Ich habe mein Konto verloren! clash of clans maxxx for sale supercell id. Maybe try to restart your device and the game? I agree with you here. Supercell ID is the replacement for GameCenter and Google Play, so that you can easily switch between and save your villages for Clash of Clans. ... Supercell ID. I lost my account! If you can't access the game, or don't have an e-mail set up on your device, you can directly e-mail them at and support will help you as … Help with In-App Purchases ... Supercell ID. Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile strategy video game developed and published by Finnish game developer Supercell.The game was released for iOS platforms on August 2, 2012, and on Google Play for Android on October 7, 2013.. Supercell ID has just been released in beta for Finland for Clash of Clans! Bonsoir , j'ai actuellement un problème avec mon compte supercell ID . Supercell reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service or a particular game or part of the Service at any time, at which point your license to use the Service or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. If you get a new iPhone, you can download Clash of Clans and immediately go to the Supercell ID tab in the settings. … Details about clash of clans maxxx for sale supercell id. Since you need to change your location, you need to download a VPN app, which lets you choose an IP from another country. Save multiple game accounts for one game by creating multiple Supercell ID accounts. Toggle navigation ‹ Prev Next › Supercell. To retrieve another game already attached to Game Center or a Google account, log out of Supercell ID and choose 'Play Without Supercell ID'. Je suis passé par l’assistance, et j’ai coché quand il me l’a demandé le choix ”supprimer son ID”. Can I switch between multiple Supercell IDs on one device? They are currently beta testing it before it is released to the whole world. Here’s everything you need to know about Supercell ID… Vous avez perdu l'accès à un compte de jeu connecté à Supercell ID ? Global Launch. Best is maybe to wait for an explanation from support. The game is set in a fantasy-themed persistent world where the player is a chief of a village. Plzz tell me, i am not getting what to do in supercell id, I was try to log in my account my phone was hanging and taking time to come code in Gmail so I try many time after some time when I log in my I’d in supercell I’d it tell ops to many attempt try later I am waiting till 4 hours but again it’s telling later later so plzz solve my issu, I’d just wait until tomorrow. Item Information. ( Log Out / Here are all the steps you need to follow in order to get this new Clash of Clans additions. Hola supercell la cuneta de supercell id no quiere entrar a mi cuenta de clash of clans desde ayer, Plz help me opps attant sir plz plz help me, my clash of clans supercell I’d no login help me, Dear brother I created a super cell id in my village with wrong email id. Shop Now! En nuestra Guía para padres puedes encontrar información detallada que quizás te pueda resultar de ayuda. Right now, Supercell ID is only available in Finland, the home country of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. Purchases. Registering a Supercell ID for all of your game accounts is the best way to switch between them. Click create new and accept the confirmation email. After that, you don't need verification codes to switch between these accounts. thats what i was wondering if that would happen im th9 an was wondering if i make a supercell ID will i be removed back to th1? It's as simple as that. You must use one that is not already connected to Supercell ID*. If you play Clash of Clans and also play Clash Royale, you can link them both to a Supercell ID account with the same email address. The screen below should pull up. Announcements; Forum Rules; Bugs & Problems. How can I save multiple game accounts for one game? of course, it is but sometimes we really couldn’t understand its advantages. 1; ... La seule chose que j'ai faite c'est de modifier mon nom sur le SuperCell ID (car il n'accepté plus les *) mais rien modifié sur le second (le petit). Creating the Other Account: Clear the data by doing either one of these: Uninstall Clash of Clans and … Any valid email, as long as you have access to it! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Supercell reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service or a particular game or part of the Service at any time, at which point your license to use the Service or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. Press Help And Support. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. *NOTE: Is your lost account connected to Supercell ID? Voici la marche à suivre. Clan Wars. now it won’t let me switch to another account and make another id on supercell on my iphone……hate it! Your Supercell ID works for all Supercell games including Clash Royale, Boom Beach, Hay Day, and Brawl Stars. Clash of Clans has been constantly evolving to offer more user-friendly, consistent and fun online experiences for Supercell gamers. Once connected to Supercell ID, your game account can no longer be connected or accessed through Game Center or Google. Voulant sécuriser mes comptes, j'ai connecté mon compte clash of clans à supercell ID. Enter the in-game settings screen, find Supercell ID and select "Connect". Clash of Clans Support Account Purchases Gameplay Feedback & Troubleshooting Fair & Safe Play Account. Help & Support; General. App Crashes or Won't Load Troubleshooting, Sign in to check out Check out as guest . ( Log Out / Make sure you have access to an email address that you can use for logging into your game account. From there, you can enter your email and instantly pull up the village that you want to load! clash of clans maxxx for sale supercell id. its really annoying l log in supercell id though l have 3 account but now as l re login to my ids they are telling too much attempt try again later due to netwrk problm the pins are coming late so l cant enter that in that case.This is the worst thing that is made by supercell game.Now you are telling wait for 24 hours.So what l cant attck in the war game its really bad and l hope super cell will take thus id idea out other wise this game will loose many players.And for those who dont know do not try to log in the super cell ids. Connect Them All! Base Design; AMA's; Tactics and Strategy; Builder Base; Ideas & Feature Requests; Clan Talk. ). i lost my a/c…..when I am trying to login through supercell…….can i get it back????? Step Three: Open Clash of Clans and Settings. Then, when you choose "Log out" from the in-game Settings, you can switch between all of the other accounts saved on your device. For Android devices: if you have a device where you can switch (google/Android) users, you can save 50 email addresses or Supercell ID's per account. Entrez dans le monde de Clash ! Supercell ID is a free service that allows you to safeguard your game account and easily play your Supercell game accounts on all of your mobile devices. ( Log Out / Yes, the easiest way to switch between your Supercell IDs and game accounts is to tick "Remember me on this device" as you log in with each one. How many Supercell ID's can I have on one device? You sign up with your email to get an ID and that email is your gateway to transfer your village to any device. Everyone 10+. Bonjour j’ai quelques soucis avec mon supercell ID. Add to Wishlist. Here’s how to get Supercell ID if you don’t live in Finland! Home » Clash of Clans » Supercell-ID – Passaggio di uno o più account su Android. Never lose your game again! However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get your own Supercell ID right now and say goodbye to GameCenter or Google Play! Does the Email address required for registering with Supercell ID need to be the same as the Email address associated with the village i’m trying to save or will any valid Email ID do? ( Log Out / Você perdeu acesso à sua conta de jogo conectada ao Supercell ID? Once you have your VPN set as Finland, head into Clash of Clans and head to the Settings tabs (located in the bottom right of the screen). When you are logged on to a device and have CoC installed, you can link 50 email addresses or Supercell ID's on that instance or under that account. 数百万人に及ぶ世界中のプレイヤーと一緒に、村を築き、クランを創り、壮大なクラン対戦で競い合おう! 口ひげをたくわえたバーバリアンや炎を操るウィザードなど、ユニークなユニットたちがあなたを待っています!さあ、クラッシュの世界に飛び込もう! SUPERCELL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE ANY ACCOUNT THAT HAS BEEN INACTIVE FOR 180 DAYS. By Staff 30 Aprile 2018 Clash of Clans, Guide, Strategie e Attacchi 0 Comments. that’s awesome!! What is the Supercell ID? Recover your Supercell ID How can I keep my account safe? 54,879,504. I don’t think you can… it’s making sure that you are actually the one singing into your account and making sure its not someone just using your email. Ayrıca Hizmet Koşullarımıza ve Gizlilik Politikamıza göre Clash of Clans uygulamasını oynamak veya indirmek için en az 13 yaşında olman gerekmektedir. How can I take dead base free I have dead base pl yell. You’ll have to create a new account and from there you will be sent a confirmation email. Verliere dein Spielkonto nie wieder! Clash of Clans. What if i dont log in to supercell… #totoclasht #cocdeutsch #supercellAus aktuellen Anlass mal ein Tutorial von mir. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Instead of being asked to create and memorize a password, you will be sent a new six-digit verification code on each login. Start by creating a Supercell ID in one game and then connect the rest. Change ), “This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. Note: Since October 2018 Clash of clans update, you need to turn on "Improve Compatibility" in Cloning Options if … Heroes. Clash of Clans Support Spielkonto Käufe Gameplay Feedback & Fehlerbehebung Faires & sicheres Spielen Spielkonto. Supercell ID is exactly what it sounds like; it is a way to back up villages so that you can open one on any devices. Click on the Supercell ID button. Free clash of clans accounts 2021 – There are so many websites offering free coc accounts.My commitment is to make this coc free accounts website the best and most trusted web to obtain legit clash of clans free accounts 2021.Clash of Clans Free Account 2021 – Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game and supports both Android and IOS operating phones. 2012. However, thanks to VPNs you can change your location to Finland in order to have a Supercell ID. For a Samsung S2 for instance, that means a maximum of 400 villages could be saved on that one device, since one can log on with 8 different google/Android accounts. Price: US $70.00. Builder Base. Check out this exciting Clash of Clans Account for $230 from our trusted seller garabay who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 157231337). SUPERCELL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE ANY ACCOUNT THAT HAS BEEN INACTIVE FOR 180 DAYS. Registering a Supercell ID for all of your game accounts is the best way to switch between them. Supercell ID. Perfect for sharing the fun with others or giving yourself a fresh start. I got only google iacc And I don’t see super cell I’d button. And with those 5 easy steps you’ll easily be able to get your own Supercell ID in Clash of Clans! You should be able to, but if not I’d contact Supercell. J’ai sécurisé mon compte avec supercell ID pour pouvoir le récupérer plus tard. As seguintes instruções serão úteis. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. 1- Supercell ID? Supercell has revealed that it will be hosting a new event on 24 October that might bring a major updates to the popular Clash of Clans video game. Press Report An Issue. Barbares moustachus, sorciers lanceurs de feu et autres troupes uniques vous attendent ! There have been countless updates since the game launched in 2012. Bonjour tout le monde, Ce matin j'ai connecté mon compte coc avec le compte supercell ID j'ai bien reçu le mail sur ma boîte e-mail mais quand je met le mot de passe que supercell m'ont envoyé, ça me met comme quoi le mot de passe a expiré. Supercell Games. Clash of Clans Support Account Account Purchases Gameplay ... Supercell ID About Supercell ID. Offers in-app purchases. Kesako? Is it necessary to do that *****CREATOR CODE: AdamIn today's Clash of Clans video we take a lot at the recent change to the Supercell ID. Clash of Clans’i beğendiyseniz Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, Boom Beach ve Hay Day gibi diğer Supercell oyunlarına da göz atmanızı öneririz. Supercell ID makes it easy to switch between multiple accounts of the same game on a single device. Tell me how to get ride of it. 2) Clone Clash of Clans apps using APP Cloner that you install in step 1, you may rename the apps to "Supercell ID" or something you could differential it from the original apps. For more information see Supercell’s Fan Content Policy:”, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), How to Get and Use Supercell ID in Clash of Clans, View ClashforDummies’s profile on Facebook, View @clashfordummies’s profile on Twitter, View UCNo3IxCrp34erbCRLmG8HIA’s profile on YouTube,, How to Get and Use Supercell ID in Clash Royale, Brawl Stars on Android/APK + Brawl Stars Release Date, Builder’s Base Troops Strategy and Explanation, Clash Royale Balance Changes Update 2/12/18, How to Get and Use Supercell ID in Clash Royale | Clash for Dummies, How Much are Wall Rings Worth in Clash of Clans, Best Builder Hall 7 Base Designs in Clash of Clans, How to Get a Spike-y Cactus in Clash of Clans.