(Déclaration de la soirée Live France Prière du 13 septembre 2020) Dans cette période particulière où nous nous apprêtons à franchir la porte d’une nouvelle saison 5781 qui nous propulsera dans une nouvelle saison prophétique. I appreciate you so much for what God is doing through you I’m blessed may God continue blessing you. Thanks again. Your struggle over the frustrations of life is over ... Bishop David oyedepo Declares Shiloh 2020 Turning Point; ", Through my commitment to covenant practice, l WILL be financially free this year! How do we know God’s will for our lives so that we can speak it? As I continue to follow God’s leading, only goodness and mercy will be following me all through the year 2020! ( Atmosphère ) Posté le 05/02/2019. MISSION PROPHETIQUE CONGOLAISE NGWISSANI Type d’annonce : Création Parue le : 11/01/2020. MY SEASON OF CELEBRATING HAS FINALLY COME! Haggai 1:5-14/ 1 Kings 8:17-18, Because of my raw obedience to the law of giving and receiving, money will become the least of my concerns all through 2020! Par Anonyme, le 03.12.2019 j'offres des prêts allant de 3.000€ à 800.000€ contactez- … For the time has come for avenge my people. Thank you for this Blessing! I have been through much pain for a few years in all the above areas and capacities I am standing in as mentioned , but this morning as a became so hungry for God to say something, the Holy Spirit urged me to lookup on my laptop for this Prophetic Declarations and Decrees cos I needed a fresh start for my life, my family, the ministry as well as financial breakthrough since to support my family, since our local church is at the moment very small and finances not good. Thank you very much for the Confessions of Faith. Thank You Lionheart Church for these Declarations! 20 Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. Emission pose moi une question Evêque Robert ONDOA & le Révérend Michel AMOUROUE. I will use this over my business. Please visit our Contact page for support options. Evangile Gnamien. Psalm 81:10-14/ Proverbs 18:21, As I continue to put the word to work, seemingly impossible barriers will give way to me! I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”, As I maintain my covenant walk with God all through the year 2020, while others will be drying up, I will be flourishing, because my case is different! Psalm 91:16, Job 22:21-25 NLT. Please pray for me as my feet are affected with Polio . declaration prophetique par past marcello tunasi | les choses a eviter en ce nouvelle annee ... claude kabundi walesa pour le monde entier dimanche 09/08/2020) 9 août 2020 jerichov 0. ev. Dr. Noela Lumande; MERCREDI, CENA-EN-PRIERE. The Bible teaches in Proverbs 18:21 that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Job 22:28 expresses it this way, “You will also declare a matter, and it will be established unto you; and the light will shine upon your ways.” Yes, there is certainly Biblical precedent. 3 Stepping into one of the boats, Jesus asked Simon, its owner, to push it out into the water. Exodus 23:25/ Matthew 6:31-33, Because I have made my choice to serve the Lord, I will continually increase more and more and my path will become brighter and brighter.Proverbs 4:18 / II Chronicles 26:3-5, As I walk in the light of scripture, the destructions and devastations of these hard times shall never come near my home! We encourage you to pray these over you and your family regularly. Enjoy the declarations below. 1 Samuel 10:5-6/ II Kings 2:12-15, Because of my covenant walk with God, my children will emerge as high flyers in their lifetime! 11 Mar 2020 CENA-EN-PRIÈRE/Pour que ton Lazare sorte/ Dr. Noela Lumande. 8 Déclarations prophétiques pour marcher dans la puissance de Dieu 23/08/2019 Dans cette grande prière ci-dessous, l’apôtre Paul prie pour que ses interlocuteurs puissent saisir la révélation de la puissance de Dieu, une puissance indescriptible et agissante qui est celle de Dieu. The works of your hands shall be blessed this year. portes de fevrier 2020; faire un don; portes de juin 2020; portes de mai 2020; portes de mars 2020; portes d'avril 2020- elevez vos linteaux; portes de juillet 2020; portes d’aoÛt 2020; portes de septembre 2020; portes d'octobre 2020 - elevez vos linteaux; portes de novembre 2020; 40 jours de priere - 2020; portes de decembre 2020 In 2020, as long as I continue to seek the Lord, he will make me to prosper! Psalm 126:1-6/ 1 Corinthians 2:9. Psalm 91:1-16. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked. The Holy Spirit lead me to your site,I leave totally Blessed. CHRISTIANOS AD LEONES « (Qu’on livre) les Chrétiens aux lions. We are so happy that our website and the prophetic declarations are a blessing to you and your church. "So what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak? 4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, 'Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.' ISAIAH 43:18-19.“Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. 1 Samuel 2:22-30/ Isaiah 60:1-3/8-22, In 2020 as I walk in the fear of the Lord, I will be divinely guided into realms of supernatural abundance and breakthroughs. These are prayers for your life and future based on the truths and promises we find in scripture. 5 'Master,' Simon replied, 'we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. So Godly happy that these prophetic declarations are a blessing to you and your daughter! Exodus 23:25-26/ Numbers 23:8/20, Because the righteous do not beg bread, the days of my joblessness are over! The Word of God indeed nourishes me spiritually and I believe that as I continue to pray my Spirit will be rejuvenated and every sicknesses and infirmity will move out from my body which is the temple of the Blessed Trinity and God’s dwelling place . When that happens, prophetically pray those scriptures over yourself and/or your situation daily. Genesis 47:15-27, As I continue to serve God with joy and gladness, God will make me to laugh, and all that hear will laugh with me! God be with you always . The negative issues on your spiritual life is finally over. Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked. Hebrews 11:6/ Revelation 22:12, All through 2020 and beyond, every benefit of practicing the word will start speaking loud in my life! pause. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.' LE SOUDAN DU SUD : UNE DÉCLARATION PROPHÉTIQUE DE PAIX Posted on octobre 22, 2020 octobre 22, 2020 Author 525 views. Isaiah 63:4/ Luke 18:7-8/ Psalm 94:1, As I continue to make bold declarations, whatever is sitting on any aspect of my destiny, will be unseated this year! Thanks so much for sharing. The Holy Spirit led me to your site, I leave totally Blessed. The list is meant to get you started. Find careers, news, and statistical reports. 3. Déclaration Prophétique sur votre vision pour cette année . Praying for you now. Thank for these powerful prophetic declaration very helping, Your email address will not be published. Isaiah 58:11-12/ Psalm 23:1-6, In the year 2020 whatever represents an air of pity around my life, will be turned to a testimony of envy! Proverbs 18:22/ Psalm 34:10, As a covenant child, every form of marital problems around my life are finally broken this year! Accueil; Témoignages; Actualités; Enseignements; Musiques God Bless you for these Declarations! Job 33:21-25, Throughout 2020, I will not need any form of medication to stay healthy and strong! When we prayerfully decree and declare the Word of God, power is released from heaven in order to manifest biblical promises and blessings in our lives. A. Required fields are marked *, All rights reserved Lionheart Church © 2020, Prophetic Declarations and Decrees for 2020. They are good to put in practice daily. Il s’efforce de dépeindre cette puissance. Enjoy your week. Please reach out and introduce yourself to us. He divided the rock, and water gushed out for them to drink.". "For the time has come for avenge my people, to ransom them from their oppressors. Il y a de la puissance dans la Parole de Christ. He will be your precious silver! Sickness would never come your way this year. Romans 8:19-20 NLT. 2019 Baptist Youth World Day of Pray er is June 9, 2019. Pray them daily over yourself, and prepare for your life to change in positive and miraculous ways. » Chronique des Guerres Civiles et du Troisième Conflit Mondial: * – COVID : le nouveau stade de l’effondrement ? Thanks for the declarations to use for myself and my family. So he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there. Les paroles que vous prononcez ont un impact certain sur votre vie. Although I live in another City, my Heart is a part of Lionheart Church!!! '", As I remain on course with divine plans, I will be breaking forth on every side in these hard times! Matthew 8:1-2, Whatever does not glorify God in my body is cursed today! More than welcome, enjoy the prophetic declarations! I Corinthians 6:20, Every age long ordeal in my life comes to an end right now! Hallelujah! Thank you so much for this Lionheart Church! My daughter and I cannot stop making the declarations ?? God’s promises were true for the people we find in Bible times AND are true for you today. Déclarations prophétiques. Psalm 23:6. I feel so Blessed and happy to have come across this Prayer Page and I know that it is the Lord Jesus himself who has introduced me to this page . In addition, below you will find a list of prophetic declarations and prayer points we've compiled. August 02, 2020: Prophet’s House Decree, to tear down the strongholds of Media Blackout, and for God’s People to take back The Media Mountain. It’s so wonderful that you are joining in our teachings from another city. Thank you so much for sharing. Les 5 langages de l’amour – Garry Chapman ... Déclaration prophétique 7 Avril Written by Priscylle FOKOU 7 avril 2020 3 août 2020. Doing so will prepare you to capture ground in the spiritual realm and even do warfare if necessary. Heaven responds to God’s Word and when we speak His will for our lives, then we prophetically begin to activate the heavenly realm. ", All through 2020, while many will be begging, I will be giving! One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish. Nous avons aimé et détesté, nous avons ri et pleuré, nous avons dansé et nous nous sommes lamentés, nous avons connus la nuit et le jour, le froid et la chaleur, les hauts et les bas…NOUS AVONS VECUS !! 2 Corinthians 8:1-3/ Philippians 4:15-19. Welcome to the Washington State Department of Revenue. A New Year Declaration for 2020 | Living a Prophetic Life | Awakening Magazine Glory to God for leading me to this site. Les paroles sont des conteneurs de puissance et possèdent la capacité de nous influencer, d'influencer les autres et notre environnement. Click below and enjoy Lionheart's Weekly Teachings! If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness. Earline – We appreciate the kind words. I COULD NOT HAVE GOTTEN TO A BETTER WEBSITE THAN LIONCHEARTCHURCH. Thank you for the kind words Veronica. Also here is a resource from our spiritually leader, David Oydeopo, to help you learn all you need on. Job 22:21-25/ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, In 2020, as giving and receiving becomes my lifestyle, supernatural abundance will become my testimony! 7 A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking. Continue reading → MY DAYS OF SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGHS ARE HERE! May you walk in exceeding Blessings! Deuteronomy 28:59, Every planting of the devil in my body, in terms of sickness, diseases, pains, discomforts and afflictions is rooted out right now! sainte-trini te le 10/03/2020 sa inte-trinite le 09/03/2020 le s égrégores ! Happy these declarations are blessing you! ', FROM NOW ON MONEY SHALL BECOME A NON-ISSUE IN MY LIFE. We will be praying for you and your church! NB: Certains versets bibliques sont paraphrasés afin de vous orienter dans les proclamations. 6 And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! We are praying for you and you are more than welcome! Jeremiah 30:17, Every medical verdict against me from the past is changed to a testimony in 2020 Matthew 9:20-22, In 2020, whatever sickness and disease ceases to be in heaven will cease to be in my body and in my household! We are happy you enjoyed these prophetic declaration. Le Journée mondiale de la prière des jeunes is an annual event held on the second Sunday in June.. Young people around the world are encouraged to plan services that reflect upon the importance of prayer and to intercede on behalf of others.. Dieu a tout amené à l’existence par Sa parole. I’m in a season of change and uncertainty but I’m walking forward prayerfully declaring God’s power, protection, plan and abundance! You can access a downloadable PDF of the scriptures below from this page as well as listen to archived sermons and teachings from Lionheart Church that will assist you along with the below declarataions. I woke up with this deep desire in my heart for Prophetic Decrees and declarations for my personal life as husband and father as well as a minister of the Gospel overseeing God’s flock in a Pastoral capacity. "You must serve only the Lord your God. "21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you. ", As a covenant child, God’s vengeance will answer in the camp of my enemies this year! Psalm 126:1-6/ Psalm 35:27, As I continue to put the word of God to work, my life will no longer be a question mark, but an exclamation mark among men! Matthew 13:54/ Isaiah 60:1-3, Isaiah 63:4 NLT. GOD BLESS. Whatever you’re bringing to the Father in prayer faithfully, we recommend using the concordance in your Bible and doing your own study on the topic. Un mot de passe vous sera envoyé par email. Q. Malachi 3:10-11/ Psalm 37:18-19, As I remain committed to kingdom advancement giving, my financial dominion will be established this year! 4. 11ème déclaration prophétique Dieu te dit : HABITATION Dieu te dit en 2016 tu habiteras dans des demeures de paix, dans les habitations sûres, dans des maisons tranquilles, il te donnera une maison stable là où tu seras en sécurité, protégé parce que l’Eternel lui-même sera ta demeure. Powerful! 23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored - so clean up your life. COVID-19 business relief is available. Enjoy the declarations below. Operations continue as … ", By my faith in the finished work of Christ, my health will be fully restored this year! Luke 13:11-13, I am free from every form of sickness and disease this year! We are so glad that the prophetic declarations are a blessing to you! Psalm 119:105 says, "The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path." "They were not thirsty when he led them through the desert. Ecrivez la vision : imprimez ce certificat et inscrivez votre rêve. Psalm 105:13-15, Isaiah 48:21 NLT. MECI-TV INFO Bonjour Frères et Soeurs Vous êtes tous invités au Programme de Prière et de Déclaration Prophétique ce Dimanche 27 Décembre 2020 de 08h30 à … Thank Pastors thank you for blessing us with God’s Promises to speak over our lives. toutes nos pensées se classe Par sainte-trinite, le 11.03.2020 prié a genoux c'est ce qui fait de nous extraordinaire dans ce corps ordinaire. We’re so glad to hear you have been blessed by the powerful prayer page and prophetic declarations. John 15:1-2 / Proverbs 13:17, As I continue to give to the poor, I will be totally delivered from every affliction of sickness and disease! We are happy these prophetic declarations are an amazing blessing to you Silas! Fabienne 18 septembre 2020 0 5 Déclaration prophétique - 17/09/2020 Suite à ce que nous avons vécu ensemble dimanche soir, voici une petite réflexion biblique pour vous aider à vous repentir et à prier. Exodus 9:1-7/ Malachi 3:6-11 Because I am attached to this prophetic family, whatever clears the way for Lionheart Church begins to clear the way for me and my household! I also have the capacity and ability and gifting in the market place to earn a good income, but got derailed so many times, where I became discouraged by other people’s behaviour and crookedness and end up walking away from business opportunities that could bring in good finances. God Bless you forever for these Declarations! Please pray for me that I will receive divine wisdom of God in my ministry as a growing minister. Prière de Proclamation Au Nom de Celui à qui tout pouvoir a été donné, Jésus, dont le Nom est au-dessus de tout nom, l’Eglise et moi, nous allons vers les nations pour y Q. Written by Priscylle FOKOU 2 août 2020 2 août 2020. 1 Timothy 6:17-19/ Matthew 25:31-40, As I follow divine guidance, wonders without end will be my experience all through the year 2020 and beyond! this prophetic payer will help me in my day to day life and activities i pray the lord gives you more annointing. La Parole dans notre bouche change les choses. All permitting applications must be submitted through www.MyBuildingPermit.com.. Until further notice due to COVID-19, the Permit Center is closed to walk-in customers. His will, His plan and His purpose for our lives are found in the scriptures. Praying for you now Moses, that you receive divine revelation and that God gives you the plan for your Ministry. These declarations has truly been a blessing to my life. We stand with you in prayer for your supernatural healing and the many miracles the Lord will manifest in your life in the days to come! 8 When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, 'Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man. Thanks a million for putting up such beautiful Prayers in obedience to the voice of the Almighty God . God bless you so much for sharing. 19 "Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? As you continue to spend time in the Word and grow in Him, God will prepare your heart to receive the mysteries of His Word and He'll use it to direct your life. Job 36:11/ Psalm 35:27, Thanks for the PDF’s , adding some of these prophetic declarations to my vision board. Il y a la vie dans la Parole. We are happy you found the declarations helpful in your journey. In 2020, as I take care of God’s house he will take care of my house. Que ta lumière brille! This is awesome may the Lord bless you and increase your anointing more PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS AND DECREES.. WHAT ARE THEY?! Joel 2:1-11/ Isaiah 48:21, In 2020 and by my commitment to practicing the word, no matter the heat on this earth, it will not affect me and my household! These are all powerful declarations, for me, most particularly the verses and promises found in the New Beginnings section. BUT TODAY , I CAME ACROSS THE WEBSITE OF LIONHEARTCHURCH AND AS I WAS READING THROUGH THE DECLARATIONS AND DECREES MY HAIR STOOD ON END, COS THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR AND GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AS I AM ALSO PREPARING MYSELF FOR OUR VERY FIRST SUNDAY HOLY COMMUNION WORSHIP SERVICE. Croire ce que Dieu dit et mettre sa Parole dans notre bouche et la proclamer avec assurance, la confesser avec avec conviction, la déclarer avec force, c'est puissant et ça change notre vie. You may be wondering, how to pray prophetically and how do you know what Bible verses are right for your life. Thank you! Starting with the Annual 2020 return, all annual filers must file and pay electronically. You’re very welcome Deborah. Nehemiah 13:2, Every spirit of infirmity tormenting my life is cursed right now! In the mean time, on this page we’ve compiled and grouped Bible verses that contain God’s promises to his children. Thank you for sharing. Dr. Noela Lumande; 20 Nov 2019 CENA-EN-PRIÈRE/ Déclaration prophétique/ Dr. Noela Lumande. What are prophetic declarations/prophetic prayers? A. The Bible says that even the angels harken to the voice of the Word. Psalm 23:1-6/ Isaiah 48:21, As I maintain my covenant walk with God, my showers of blessing will continue to come down! ", Hebrews 2:3 NLT. À cette occasion, le Pape François consacre au charpentier de Nazareth une lettre, Patris Corde – Avec un cœur de Père, et proclame les douze mois à venir “Année Saint Joseph”. These very Miracles in my life will be a sign to all those who ask me Where is your God . In 2020 and by my commitment to practicing the word, no matter the heat on this earth, it will not affect me and my household! Galatians 3:13. Thanks I’m still growing and learning pastor I appreciate you and your ministry ❤️. Through my undying love for God, the kind of turnaround that I have never imagined will begin to take place in my life beginning from this year! DECLARATION PROPHETIQUE POUR 2015 J e vous souhaite La Bienvenue dans une année de Merveilles, une année Historique, une année de Gloire et de Perfectionnement ! I John 4:17, Every generational curse, spell and enchantment is dropping off of my life this year! ... Yada Mbadinga le 15/01/2020. play_arrow. We know that God has big things being manifested during this year! El alivio comercial de COVID-19 está disponible. This are great declarations! Habacuc 2:2-3 « L'Eternel m'adressa la parole, et il dit: Ecris la prophétie: Grave-la … What does the Bible say about decreeing and declaring affirmations from the scriptures over our lives? If you need help logging into your My DOR account, try our My DOR help. "One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God. Numéro RNA : W952013281. Due to the pandemic, our offices are closed to the public. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Matthew 15:13, As an ambassador of Christ, reconciling the world back to God through soul winning, I will continue to live a sickness-free life! I will use this over my family and church members. Stories and verses you've known for years will come off the pages as God pours revelation in to your heart and mind. A. Psalm 33:18-19/ Psalm 37:18-19, Because marriage is a good thing and they that serve the Lord shall not lack any good thing, my marital destiny is settled this year! Exodus 14:15/ Psalm 114:3-7, As I continue to walk in the fear of the Lord, in the day of famine I will be satisfied!