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Fairy Tales
Matinée with a moderator for children
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Union Hall at 11.00 am
Robert Kereži, moderator
Music based on fairy tale motifs by M. Ravel, M. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, E. Grieg and R. Strauss.
Without a doubt art is most accessible to children through works created especially for them — and in literature this role is undeniably played by fairy tales. Music in particular seems to be the most effective medium to transmit this content, as it opens up an abundance of imagination and emotions often through a network of covert messages. Fairy tale worlds have also inspired a number of composers, so the reed quintet Calefax have chosen variety of pieces with fairy tale themes especially for this concert intended for children.
Host Robert Kereži will wrap the music and words together.